Jeff Soldo, HVAC Engineer; Melissa Schultz, Chemistry Department; Lanny Whitaker, Power Plant Supervisor; Andrew Smiles, Student; Thomas Gilliss, Student; Kyle Schutz, Student; Laurie Stickelmaier, VP for Finance and Business;
Ellen Falduto, Chief Information and Planning Officer; Jackie Middleton, AVP for Facilities and Auxiliaries; Dober, Lidsky, Mathey Campus Planners, Inc.; Consultants: Glenn Boesger, Korda Engineering
Task Force Charge
The College of Wooster is engaged in an effort to develop a Campus Plan by March 2012. Two committees will guide this effort. The Steering Committee is composed of the senior staff in the President’s Cabinet and will be responsible establishing goals and objectives as well and for making final decisions on direction and priorities. They will have the advice of an ad hoc college working group convened formally to represent the College community in the process. While the Steering Committee is a decision-making body, the Working Group’s role is that of a decision-shaping body.
The Working Group has established the Infrastructure Task Force to work with the consultant team to provide input, respond to data requests, and to provide feedback to the consultant team’s analyses, concepts and recommendations. The Task Force will be composed of at least one Working Group member, and individuals selected for their close knowledge of the College’s utilities infrastructure systems and operations.
Toward the conclusion of the process, the Task Force will produce a brief report to the Working Group, which addresses the following points:
- Key Issues the College faces in maintaining and upgrading the campus utilities infrastructure;
- Recommendations for improving the Infrastructure consistent with College of Wooster; Mission, Vision, Strategic Framework, and the demands projected by the Campus Plan;
- Critical actions for implementing the recommendations of the Infrastructure Task Force.
This report will be included in the consultant-prepared report that documents the process.
(May 11, 2011)
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